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Blissful Womb Healing Yoni Steam (Herbal Vaginal Steam)

Blissful Womb Healing Yoni Steam

SKU: 0008
  • What are the Benefits of Yoni Steamimg?

    Yoni steaming is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body and reignite your vibrance. We encourage most women to try a yoni steam (aka.vaginal steam)! You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy if you suffer from irregular or painful periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perennial tears, bladder and yeast infections, vaginal or ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids or scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.

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